Oklahoma State SealOklahoma State Seal
Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision


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Sign up

Professionals Licensed by Medical Board

Register for a professional account using your medical license. (Doing so will allow access to license-specific courses and track your progress, including quizzes and tests.)

Note: if you have multiple licenses, you may use any of them as long as you correctly match the license # to type.

Choose your login credential:

Medical license information:

Please verify your identity using one of the following two options:

1. I am a licensed medical professional:

— or —

2. I am an applicant/resident/trainee:

Please enter the credentials that you received when you applied for a license (which you can use to check your application status):

Other Professional

Use this registration form if you are a professional NOT licensed by the Medical Licensure Board, such as a D.O., nurse, attorney, et al, or any other type of user.

Choose your login credentials:

For help with login or accessing any course contact Support Services:
